Lactation and Feeding Services

Prenatal, Postpartum and Follow Up Virtual Consultations


Individual Prenatal Consult

$100 - up to 60 minutes

Together we will…

  • Review foundational education for the basics of breastfeeding

  • Discover benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and their babies

  • Explore feelings, fears and perceptions relating to the breastfeeding experience

  • Equip new moms with tools for getting started and feeling successful in the journey

  • Develop a customized feeding plan in accordance with your personal breastfeeding goals


Personalized Lactation Consult

$150- up to 60 minutes

Together we will…

  • Assess your personal breastfeeding goals

  • Observe and evaluate infant latch and feeding behaviors in the comfort and privacy of your own home

  • Address obstacles affecting your ability to meet these goals

  • Develop a sustainable plan of care with shared decision making to ensure success in your breastfeeding relationship

Follow up Consult

$50/30 min


Intended for established families time for in-depth discussion of follow up questions, those preparing to return to work or school, review feeding patten changes, pumping schedules, sleep patterns, nursing strike, discuss starting solids, how to wean and other concerns

Fees and Policies

Gratitude & Grace Lactation seeks to support parents and lactating families virtually to increase accessibility to quality, compassionate lactation care during the times they feel most vulnerable to improve the overall health of families and long-term outcomes.

All services are virtual, self-pay and are appropriate for any parents nursing, pumping, supplementing or using any combination of these feeding choices

  • All services at this time are virtual and self pay only. I never want the cost of services to inhibit a family’s access to care - in these instances a sliding scale is available.

  • The Affordable Care Act mandates health plans to provide breastfeeding support, counseling, and equipment for the duration of breastfeeding. These services may be provided before and after birth. Due to the nature of Gratitude & Grace Lactation offering strictly virtual services, it is more feasible to remain self-pay at this time. I am happy to provide a superbill for you to submit your own insurance reimbursement request.

  • I greatly respect your time and I humbly ask you to respect mine. Please provide at least 24 hours notice if you must cancel or reschedule your visit. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, the credit card on file will be charged no less than 50% of your visit fee.


Schedule a prenatal consult and set yourself up for success.



Positioning is just the beginning!


Back to Work

Not that parenting isn’t a real job but it doesn’t pay so well.



It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday!